Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dropbox, best decision EVER!

I've been traveling between multiple buildings (all but one of my years as a school based SLP), and while traveling between buildings has both pros and cons, the biggest con I've ran into over the years is storing data on my multiple computers! I had a different computer for each building, plus a company laptop, and then they added the iPad! I had data all over the place! And the MOST frustrating thing about having data all over the place was getting home after a long day, sitting down to relax and suddenly realizing I needed to finish typing a report and it was on MY OTHER COMPUTER! So at the end of this school year I decided to transfer all of my electronic data to Dropbox. I was a little leery at first...I TRUST no one with my files, but I needed to do something different. I gave it a try...and I LOVE it. All of my files in one place and I can access them from ANY device I'm on. It's awesome!

So if you're not using it,  and are looking for a better way to store your info, click on the link and check it out! Dropbox


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